What we colloquially know as a drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). unmanned aerial vehicle) that performs specific functions. It is piloted remotely (at a distance and through a remote device) without the presence of a crew and autonomously maintains a certain level of flight.
In a very general way, we can affirm that these devices are a type of specialized robot. Its components fall into two categories: mechanical and electrical. Regarding the mechanical part, the structure (whose function is to reduce vibrations), propellers (they serve to drive the motors and stabilize the drone in the air) and motors are present. The electrical components, on the other hand, are the electronic speed control, remote control, battery, and controller board. In this article UAV Latam It explains what drones are, what they are for and what are the regulations regarding their use.

How did unmanned aerial vehicles come about?
The origin of drones is closely linked to the development of the military field. It is documented that the first attempts to create this type of device date back to the First World War. Its main objective was to replace human beings in the execution of especially dangerous missions. During the 1960s, the advancement of technology allowed drones to be developed that flew pre-programmed routes. Originally, they were controlled through radio frequencies; However, it is from the 80s and 90s that they just began to take the form with which we know them.
With the arrival of the 21st century, studies and research to enhance drones increased due to the interest of the US government, which was looking for ways to strengthen the country’s security to prevent another terrorist attack (such as the one that occurred on September 11 in the World Trace Center, New York).
What are drones for?
Currently, its use goes beyond the military context (reconnaissance missions, combat, and even as a weapon) and has been successfully inserted in the civil sphere. Now, drones perform in multiple fields. They also have built-in cameras (some models allow them to be integrated), which allows actions to be carried out, such as:
- Surveillance.
- Record of activities (marches or demonstrations, parades and assemblies).
- Emergency operations (rescues and searches).
- Mapping.
- Transportation (product deliveries by companies such as Amazon).
- Prevention and control of forest fires.
One of the many advantages of these devices is that they allow access to remote and difficult-to-access areas. This is vital for certain industrial tasks.
Being smaller and more manageable -as well as being relatively cheaper than a helicopter or any other manned vehicle-, its efficiency and practicality are beneficial to complement activities carried out both in fields related to nature (study of air quality, monitoring of animals, geology, etc.) as well as in a more industrial context (logistics and delivery tasks) and even recreational and domestic.
Today drones enjoy enormous popularity and are within the reach of anyone. This is evidenced by the fact that there is a wide variety of models (some are even controlled from mobile applications and no longer require a remote control) and prices (starting at $50, depending on the store and features).
The mass and high demand for these products has given rise to new challenges, especially those related to the protection of personal data (information belonging to identified or identifiable individuals). Drones are fully capable of capturing images, sounds, and video of environments in which people are present who might disagree to be filmed.

drone laws
To protect the right to privacy of the population, various countries have published laws and regulations aimed at controlling the use of drones. In the case of Peru, we have NTC 001-2015, which stipulates that any person or organization that wishes to operate a drone (remotely piloted aircraft) must meet three requirements:
- Record. A registration card must be requested in person from the Directorate of Certifications and Authorizations of the DGAC. There will appear the data of the team. The process lasts 48 hours.
- Credit the pilot. As long as it has been trained and certified (after passing a theoretical evaluation) by a Civil Aviation Training Center. Alternatively, an institution accredited by the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
- Request permission for overflight: To be able to overflight in urban areas, a permit must be processed from the Ministry of Transport and Communications. It should be taken into account that the use of drones is prohibited in restricted areas, unless authorization is obtained from the corresponding entities. In rural areas, however, there is no type of restriction. Some restricted areas are, for example: Government Palace, military areas, airports, etc.